Compare Thousands of Backpacks in Hundreds of Categories

We've curated the features and specifications of thousands of backpacks so you can compare them in just 2 clicks

Meet Our Team Members

Military backpack



Keith is a one bag traveler and the owner of Backpacks His go to backpack is the Osprey FarPoint 40

Military backpack

CHRISTIE magdayo


Christie is our content manager and comparison engine researcher Her favorite backpack is her Jansport

Military backpack



Diane is our head writer and researcher for our backpack informational content Her everyday carry is a Herschel

Military backpack

chloe FARRO


Chloe is the newest writer to join the team Her favorite bags are Herschel and Jansport I can鈥檛 choose between these two

How We Make Choosing Backpacks Easy

Backpack Comparison

We've gathered the features and specifications of thousands of backpacks to make comparing easy Just choose 2 bags and hit compare - it's quick and easy

Backpack Reviews

Prefer to have us do the research for you We've got you covered We've done the comparisons and found the best bags for you - no matter what you're looking for

Backpack Articles

Everything you've ever wanted to know about backpacks What size bag do you need What features should you look for What's the best way to pack It's all here


Military backpack
Military backpack
Military backpack

About Backpacks

Launched in 2018 Backpacks is an online company that compares and reviews backpack releases from around the world We do our best to cover the most affordable backpacks, as well as big name brands that you know and love

We research and report on a large variety of backpacks so you can compare their price, design, comfort, ease of use, durability and features to make it easy for our readers to make the right buying decision

As well as comparison we provide in-depth guides and recommendations on the most popular categories of bags under our articles section as well as in our brands and reviews sections where we review the newest and most popular backpacks

Our mission is to help you uncover the best backpacks with the most competitive prices that are available - so you always find the highest quality bag with all the features that you need

We are committed to making your experience as useful as possible; we update our website daily with the latest releases of the most exciting backpacks we find We do our best ensure that we only recommend products created from the highest quality materials that are built to last, and work to cover the needs of our readers whether that be everyday use, hiking, long term travel and everything in between

Overall, Backpacks is here is help you find the most convenient, comfortable, functional and affordable backpack available to suit your individual needs and preferences

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be your backpack advisor of choice

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Tactical backpack