Rucking: The Benefits of Carrying Weight and How to Get Started
May 19, 2023
By Keith Terrell
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especially in the ankles, hips, and lower back - due to its emphasis on proper posture and overall body alignment Improved Strength and Muscular EnduranceCarrying weighted packs can lead to increased strength and muscular endurance While performing rucking activities, participants use the muscles in their glutes, legs, core, back, and even upper body as they walk or run with their rucking backpack on This kind of functional activity seeks to increase muscle power and endurance beyond what traditional exercises achieve A recent study by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research compared rucking with typical weight lifting exercises and found that walking with a pack may help improve one’s overall strength more than just focusing solely on gym-based training Key PointsRucking, or carrying weighted packs, is a form of functional exercise which may be beneficial for individuals looking to build strength, endurance and cardiovascular fitness It requires several muscle groups to work simultaneously, and can benefit those who usually do not lift heavy weights Care should be taken with those who have ankle or knee injuries, or lack leg strength, so as not to overload their backs Cardiovascular and Aerobic FitnessIn addition to improved muscle strength and muscular endurance, rucking can also be beneficial for cardiovascular and aerobic fitness Much like running or engaging in high intensity interval training (HIIT), the physical demands of moving with a weighted backpack can greatly increase heart rate and increase the oxygen demand of the body This requires your cardiovascular system to work harder, even at lower intensities In fact, studies have found that rucking can burn as many, if not more calories than running, while placing less strain on joints Further research has also found that after only ten weeks of rucking, participants experienced a decreased resting heart rate and an increased peak VO2 output Mental Benefits of RuckingThe mental benefits of rucking should not be overlooked Walking with a weight for an extended period of time can improve your mental focus and perseverance During this type of exercise, our body releases endorphins, which can lead to improved marks in cognitive factors like memory and concentration Additionally, having a consistent routine that requires us to carry a load can increase self-discipline, as well as provide a sense of accomplishment and pride once the job is complete Improved Focus and ConcentrationThe mental benefits of rucking go beyond just calming and dispelling feelings of stress and anxiety A growing body of research suggests that carrying a weighted backpack while walking can also lead to improved focus and concentration It has been empirically proven to positively influence cognitive performance, especially the capacity for sustained attention How Rucking Affects HealthRucking is much more than just a physical workout—it offers a wide range of mental and emotional health benefits, as well While debate exists about how rucking impacts upon overall health, there’s no denying that walking with an added load can help to increase overall strength, reduce stress-levels, and improve cardiovascular health Increased Immune FunctionRucking can also contribute to increased immune function, which helps ward off illness and infection Increased strength and coordination is not the only physical benefit of using a weighted backpack; it has also been linked to improving the body’s defense against disease Research studies have shown that rucking builds up our body’s capacity to fight illnesses due to the strain on muscles and joints during exercise The vigorous movement of heavy weight pushing and pulling on our organs gives the body an extra layer of protection as we age Other Rucking BenefitsIn addition to improved immune system functioning, rucking offers several more benefits that can help boost overall health and performance Many of these are subjective and experienced at different levels of intensity depending on the individual who is rucking, which highlights the importance of listening to one's own body and understanding individual differences |
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