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作者:Dboy 来源: 作者投稿 2021-09-01 17:20:32 阅读:次
关于黑蜀黍的射击水平和射击姿势总是互联网上被吐槽的对象,前几天发表的《曾经是最著名的雇佣军公司——EO公司》就讲到EO总是以少胜多的其中一个原因是黑蜀黍的作战水平太差;以前我在看2000年9月SAS在塞拉利昂的“毛松香行动”(也有音译为“巴拉斯行动”)中的相关资料,也提到劫持人质的部落武装“西部小子”会穿着女人内衣来躲避子弹和闭着眼开枪;还有反映利比利亚内战中的儿童兵的电影《疯狗强尼》里,那些叛军奇怪的穿着和作战方式……在2014年,TFB上一位来自西非国家的编辑叙述了当地一些枪械迷思,看完他的吐槽后,就能很好地理解上述的那些奇奇怪怪的现象。https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/08/25/guns-ignorance-superstition-africa/In Most of Africa, and in some other parts of the world, the superstition and mysticism perceived as behind the use and effect of firearms is more prevalent than common sense or science. Most people around here, even the educated ones still believe that firearms kill by some sort of white man’s black magic, some sort of advanced voodoo, or that guns somehow shoot poison to kill victims, or that it is the fire and heat that actually goes out to kill. [Some sort of early Laser – fire thinking?]The idea is that once you point and fire a gun, any firearm in the general direction of your target, you will destroy it!Unfortunately, even the armed forces and Police as well as paramilitary forces have members, even officers, who believe this!即使是现在,在非洲,还是很大一部分人坚信枪械的运作原理是“洋人的巫术”,而不是物理和化学。枪械是靠某种白人的黑魔法或者一些更高级巫术来造成杀伤……而不是弹头的动能,比如有些人相信是枪口发出的火光和热量对敌人造成伤害……你这是激光枪还是爆能枪?bui~bui~bui……当地的主流相信:无论是用什么型号的枪,只要把枪口对准目标的大致方向,扣下扳机,就能把目标摧毁。不幸的是,即使是军队、警察或准军事部队中,都有深信这一点的人,甚至包括了军官!Let me talk about my own country… A West African country…[I’m the only one not masked in the picture below…] Other police forces carry pistols primarily, in my country, they carry AK 47s![我是唯一一个在下图中没有被掩盖的人...]其他警察部队主要携带手枪,在我的国家,他们携带AK 47!Nigeria Security for TFB Post尼日利亚安全部队Training, and lack of training…训练,训练,缺的还是训练......What do you expect? Training is minimal: recruit the guy, teach him how to march, and then take him out to the range and allow him to fire thirty rounds with minimal instruction. On a thirty year-old AK 47. Almost no one is taught the mechanics of HOW bullets work [A simple demonstration with a ballpoint pen would suffice!]Yes, there is some teaching, caring for firearms, basic disassembly and cleaning of the majority of firearms, but not much more than that. Most of what the typical Policeman learns, he learns on the job. Unfortunately, this translates into some scary behavior. Policemen [especially] flag themselves and others ALL the time, in some cases, fingers firmly on the trigger.当地警察的枪械训练流程如下:招到新人了,就先教他行军,然后带他到靶场,给他一支已经用了30年的AK,给他作了简单说明,然后让他打光30发子弹。几乎没人教过子弹的发射原理(即使只要用圆珠笔做个简单演示就够了)。有时也会教一点枪支维护的基本,例如大部分解和清洁保养。但仅此而已。大多数警察是在工作实践中学习如何操作武器的。所以这种现象在当地很常见:许多警察手指搭在扳机上还拿枪口对着围观群众或自己人指指点点的,在大多数情况下,他们的手指还牢牢地“粘”在扳机上。But it’s not all bad: the Army, the Air Force and the Navy have a deep and long tradition of British training, and that reflects in reasonable trigger and muzzle discipline. Unfortunately, a larger number of former criminals and uneducated people are in the military now… And it shows!There are also “elite” special teams: started and run by enlightened and forward thinking officers, which are better equipped, train with the world’s best regularly: and these cut across the Police, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy. These guys have trained, and continuously train with the British, the Americans, the Chinese, the Indians, The Pakistanis, hell, actually: they are all-round training whores! Anyone would do!正规军在这方面要好些,陆军、空军和海军有着深厚而悠久的英国训练传统,这体现在扳机纪律、注意枪口指向这些小的细节上。不幸的是,如今也有大量的前罪犯和文盲充斥在军队中。还有一些“精锐”的特种小队:由开明和有远见的军官组织和管理,他们装备更好,定期接受从国外请来的军官进行训练,这些小组横跨警察、陆军、空军和海军。这些人一直在练,一直在跟英国人、美国人、中国人、印度人、巴基斯坦人一起练,天天练,日日练……所以,这个国家的武装部队里的素质参差不齐啊Wrong impressions and ignorance.错误的印象和无知。The ordinary citizen also has many wrong preconceptions. There is always this belief that the armed robbers and insurgents have bigger and better arms than the law enforcement or military forces: but I always point out the fact that both sides all have the same ubiquitous AK 47 or the Chinese Type 56.In fact: several military units are equipped with Israeli Tavors, and the FN F2000, as well as the FN P90.Training is also much better than robbers and such. It is when the trooper becomes a robber, or a rebel or militant that the REAL problem begins.普通老百姓也同样有许多错误的刻板印象。人们总是相信武装劫匪、叛军拥有比警察或军队更强大更好的武器:尽管事实上双方都同样普遍使用AK或中国的56式冲锋枪。事实上:部分军事单位还装备了以色列的塔沃尔、FN F2000和FN P90等更好的武器。而且军队的训练也比匪徒之类的要好得多。只是当某些军人转行变成匪徒、叛军或政治激进分子时,水准才会降低Masking-tape wrapped AK 47 magazines are seen to be sign by most ignorant citizens that the whole firearm is “held together by tape” and cannot be more than “shakaboolah!” So the Police must have weapons that are falling to pieces… They do not realize that even advanced forces tape additional magazines together…A “shakaboolah” [Pronounced exactly like that…] is a locally reproduced wide-mouth muzzle-loading blunderbuss made out of hand-pounded materials including water pipes, used in the villages more as a deterrent in communal fighting, than for hunting… It can cause grievous harm when fired too: filled with rusty nails, ball bearings and sometimes: excrement! [There can be no greater victory than showering your enemy with sh*t!..]In most cases, it is even better handed to the enemy to shoot at you with, as majority of firings cause more harm to the shooter, than to target!Related to the shakaboolah phenomenon, is the irrational belief many have that Tear-Gas guns must be weapons of great power… So you find Policemen standing at checkpoints brandishing these projectors menacingly… Even the Policemen themselves believe that the big muzzle and bore must mean that a single shot can “explode” someone. They do have a point though, if such guns are used to fire actual grenades, of course there would be little left of the person…大多数老百姓认为,那些缠在AK弹匣上的胶带是用来“绑紧整支枪”的,所以他们会觉得这些在弹匣上缠上胶带的AK比村里铁匠敲打出来的土枪更容易坏……他们没意识到即使是一些装备比较好的部队,也会用胶带把两个弹匣反绑在一起……土枪在当时的语音中发音大概接近Shakaboolah,是一种喇叭枪口造型的前装枪,通常用自来水管及其他材料手工打造,主要在村民们械斗时用来吓唬人而不是狩猎,可以通过发射生锈的铁钉、滚珠轴承输出“伤害”,有时候甚至通过喷屎来输出伤害。然而在大多数情况下,因为这玩意儿在发射的时候对射手的伤害往往大于对目标的伤害,所以用它来射击敌人可能还不如让敌人来射击你。而由于这种Shakaboolah土枪的存在,所以很多老百姓认为“口径越大越正义”,所以他们认为只能发射催弹弹的防暴弹(一般是37mm)一定威力巨大!因此在这个国家,经常会看到在检查站执勤的警察挥舞着这些防暴枪……就连警察自己也认为,这么大的枪口一定可以一枪就把敌人轰成渣渣……Then there is the fetish belief on both sides:然后双方都有一种崇拜的信仰:Many policemen, even soldiers and the criminals all believe in the power of black magic, voodoo or “Juju” as we call it here… You hear tales of guys in the forces who brag about how they went home to “get cooked” in the strongest charms built to stop bullets from harming them…. Some guys have amulets and little tightly-sewed leather pouches tied around arms, torsos and groins… Then ironically, you also see a Bible verse crudely written on the butts of their rifles! “Though I walk through the valley…”Again, you hear their tales of how “targets” refused to die when shot, because they too had “jazz” [local slang for protective black magic] and these targets actually derisively shook off shots fired at them, in some cases actually catching bullets in their hands, and mockingly showing back to the boys in blue [Or black or green…] These targets could be “well-cooked” armed robbers, kidnappers, oil-theft criminals, or so called militants… Many police [and soldiers] have fallen to the voodoo-controlled return fire from these criminals who have even been ascribed powers including being able to disappear by clapping twice or by pinching the bridge of their noses… All these according to the widely exaggerated stories from the policemen or soldiers.许多警察、甚至包括士兵和匪徒都迷信黑魔法、巫毒教或在当地被统称为“Juju”的神秘力量……你会听到军队里总有些人吹嘘他们回家用超级历害的法术让自己刀枪不入……有些人的手臂、躯干和腹股沟上绑着护身符和缝得紧紧的小皮袋……讽刺的是,你还会看到他们的枪托上粗糙地写着一段圣经经文,比如圣经诗篇里的葬礼常用祷词。然后,你也会经常听到他们讲某些“目标”怎么射都射不死的故事,因为这些敌人都买了“jazz”——当地语言对保护属性黑魔法的发音。这些敌人往往会笑着避开射向他们的子弹,有时甚至会展示他们“空手接子弹”的成果,并露出身上用蓝色、黑色或绿色涂料绘制的jazz魔法纹路实施嘲讽技能。这些受jazz魔法保护的目标可能是武装劫匪、绑架犯、偷油贼或是某些派系的民兵……许多警察和士兵都深信这些犯罪分子所使用的巫术可以有效地反击甚至杀伤了不少警察和士兵,他们甚至相信这些罪犯可以拍两次手掌或掐鼻梁就能隐形(不用念妈咪妈咪控?)……有时简单怀疑这些警察或士兵传播这些夸大的故事是不是想表达一个意思:行动失败了不是我们不努力,是敌人太历害了。(就好像朝鲜战场上,究竟真的是M1卡宾枪打不穿志愿军的棉衣?还是这个美国兵的枪法太臭?)There have been several cases where a “cooked” person insists on testing the “product” and insists on shooting the witch-doctor to test if his anti-bullet charm actually works [You can’t be a doctor unless you yourself have all the inoculations, right?] Would you know that the witch-doctors almost always refuse? Haha!Several times the “bullet-proof” charms have been tested on goats or cows… needless to say: there is usually a feast that night.And actually, some criminals HAVE tested the anti-bullet charms by shooting at their witch doctors… It usually adds murder to their list of crimes.不过,有理由相信咒术买家虽然迷信但不至于是笨蛋,因为有好几起相似的案例:一个“熟人”在购买刀枪不入的产品时,坚持要先试后买,于是他们会把巫毒符咒放在巫师身上再开枪射击,以测试这个巫毒教巫师的防弹咒语是否有效……当然,这些巫师总是会拒绝的,但拒绝无效……然后这些“顾客”的犯罪纪录上会增加一条谋杀罪——所以这究竟算是谋杀还是意外误杀呢?有些不法分子还会在山羊或奶牛等家畜身上试验他们新买的“防弹”符咒……通常当晚开饭都会加鸡腿羊腿牛腿But they still believe all this!So some law enforcement agents, who have good rapport with their own medicine-men [Or Herbalist or “witchdoctor” or “Jazz-man”… take your pick] have come up with solutions for these criminals who are so well “cooked” and refuse to “take bullet” and “kpai” [Pronounced like “die” – “kpai” is just one of the slang words for someone kicking the proverbial hand-held H2O storage and conveyance receptacle, also known as bucket…]So for many witch-doctors, it is like the Vickers Company in the UK: they have a massive factory complex; in one wing, the slogan of their tank manufacturing section is “We make tanks NO anti-tank gun can defeat!” and just across the field, in the same compound, the Anti-Tank Gun section boasts: “Our guns can destroy ANY tank!” Haha… So the witch-doctors claim to make their clients bullet-proof, and at the same time can ensure the destruction of “cooked” enemies, for a higher price… “My juju is better and stronger than your enemy’s!”但他们还是信这个:也许只是个别巫师法力不够吧。所以甚至有一些执法人员也找到对付这些刀枪不入的罪犯的方法:就是去找那些出售神功护体大法的巫师,向他们购买“必中”、“必杀”这一类的巫毒符咒来破解罪犯的“刀枪不入”……(你当真以为这是卡牌游戏吗?如果是,你们可都是货真价实的非酋啊……双方都是……)所以许多巫师就像英国维克斯公司附体:坦克事业部的广告是“任何反坦克炮都打不穿我们生产的坦克!”;而隔壁反坦克炮事业部的广告是:“我们的炮可以摧毁任何坦克!”……所以这些巫师会跟警察叔叔说“我给你的杀伤咒术就是比对面的防弹咒术要强一丢丢”——只要你给钱给够(自相矛盾?我上次发的伪军迷睡前故事里的《自相游击》?)Some solutions…一些解决方案…Some policemen SWEAR that tying a red rag that had been at one time soaked in the blood of a sacrificed goat on the sight of one’s rifle will GUARANTEE that one’s enemy will be killed stone-dead, even with one shot. No matter the amount of jazz “cooking” that person had gone through, and even without aiming.Others insist on the efficacy of, [wait for it…], pouring a handful of fine, dry sand in the muzzle of one’s rifle before blasting the misguided enemy, guarantees a good kill…不过也不全是迷信巫师的,也有些是迷信不知道哪里传出来的偏方的。比如有警察信誓旦旦地声称:在枪上缠上一小条浸泡过山羊血的布条,可以保证他的敌人一枪就死,只要一枪,无论对方身上做了多少刀枪不入法术都没用,甚至你不用瞄准,一枪放过去就能搞定。而另一些人则坚持认为,战斗前,先往枪管里灌一大把干燥的细沙,也能达到上述效果……可能更有效……SAND!In a rifle!Deliberately!故意Wow.The ONE thing that most people just do not do, is AIM their guns!You all have seen the picture of the Liberian rebel warrior in his Life-jacket vest, lips twisted and doing the “booyakah” stance with AK 47 sideways, pointing firmly towards the ground… LOL.大多数人都不做的一件事就是:拿起枪后,瞄准!你们都看到过利比里亚叛军士兵穿着救生衣背心、嘴唇歪着、举起AK横着扫射的姿势的照片吧?作者提到在当地也差不多(后面作者讲他怎样改装他的枪,和埃博拉在当时的传染及当地的防疫政策,就不写了。)w
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